What I do:
I work closely with business owners or decision makers to drive clear and sustainable returns for every dollar spent on digital marketing.

I am part of your team – not a contractor, freelancer or traditional agency. I am a Virtual Digital Marketing Manager – your digital marketing manager, when you don’t have one.

By working alongside you I gain a much deeper understanding of your business and the drivers of success.

How it Works:
I start by understanding your business, industry and market. Your numbers, opportunities and threats.

I take a holistic view of your marketing.

Not just SEO or traffic numbers. Not just impressions or clicks.

For example, a great website with no traffic has zero business benefit.

Likewise a killer Adwords campaign generating traffic to a slow clunky website is pointless.

I’ll formulate a long term digital marketing strategy that is designed to deliver a positive ROI – and one that will fit the unique capabilities of your business.

I do this by bringing over 15 years of experience in digital across a wide variety of disciplines, industries and roles.

How I execute:
Every business and their context is different so depending on the situation I’ll bring a mix of any/all of the below:

Story telling
– Adwords
– Paid Social Media – Facebook/Instagram etc
Video storytelling and marketing
Email/Marketing automation
– Process automation

Regardless of the tool everything is tracked, measured and reported on.

Clients prefer this approach as they have clarity over marketing efforts.

While I will typically execute much of the strategy, I will also use my Digital Marketing Collective as and when appropriate.

Who I work with:
Typically I work with business owners or decision makers that are willing and able to scale their business.

I work across a variety of industries – the principles of strong digital marketing transfer across industries.

Generally my clients will have capability in the form of websites or funnels or ecommerce but are not getting the most out of their marketing mix or are unsure even how to.

I help them gain clarity around what they do online and where they should focus resources.

Ready to grow?  Then reach out:   jitendra@jpdm.co.nz or 022 391 4548

Not ready yet?

Watch video testimonials from clients.

Or see the awards I’ve won.